Friday, April 29, 2011

Surgery Postponed Until May 9th

My birthday present was a reprieve from the original date of May 3rd to May 9th. More later....


Anonymous said...

Maura, Nathaniel, Bill and Emily.
Happy Birthday, Maura!
Thank you for the post Nathaniel.
I will keep checking back after the 9th to see how things are going. Hugs all around! Love, Bridgette

Anonymous said...

"HOPE is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all..." E.D.

Maura, your log of events is so touching, thank you for sharing. There is always hope, and you are a perfect example of believing in the positive and meeting challenges
head on, thus gaining results to meet some more twists and turns of

Tomorrow's event, 05/09 will work for you.

We love you,
Cassy, Robert, Karyn, Erika & Luke
Happy, happy Mother's Day
Did those hydrangas get planted @ Nonquitt??

Dinah said...
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Dinah said...

Dear Maura, I had to retype my note, needed to be reminded of what day it was today.
I'll be praying for you today..sending you my wishes fro success!
Thank you for writing your long journal for us to see better what your life has been like for so long. The hope is beautiful, a good part of our lives. Every day is miracle too!
You are, and have always been the strong one, I look up to you, and always have.
I know.. I live down here/ far away.. and am not in touch as often as I should be.
But... you are special to me, I'd come up there if you needed someone to help out :-) I am glad Beau has been there for you too :-) I agree that our animals know what is going on. I've grown very close to my giant rescued Lab, he knows when I need to rest... doesn't bug me. Please know I'm sending you, and your family too -my love

Katharine Perkins said...

Maura, My every thought and prayer is with YOU today. (Isn't the surgery today----- Bob told me so?) You are Wonder Woman! Some how you WILL prevail. You always do. I hope I haven't gotten the wrong day? I was told it would happen "next Tuesday," which is today. In short, I love you, Maura....and you DO MATTER.
Sis-in-law, Kate