Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is in the air!

It is lovely here today. I have one more treatment on Monday for this cycle and then 10 days off. I am looking forward to the good weather ahead!

Last Monday, I had an allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs-carboplatin. Being experienced in such matters, it was not horrible, but the nurse had to stop the infusion and reverse it with benadryl and other drugs. So I really only got 1/4 of the infusion of that drug. But I did get the others. On 3/16 I will be allergy tested for the carboplatin and they will decide how to proceed. Tentatively, I am scheduled to get the next infusion on 3/18 in the desens lab, which is in the basement of the Dana Farber, over 12 hours....yuck and double yuck. I have been there before, and the days are long and light-less. I thought I had graduated to the 10th floor, where the other infusions will take place.

The good news is that with the addition of Neupogen (which boosts my white blood cells), I am feeling better and have been able to receive my 2 treatments (since last weekend).

But I have not had a normal cycle yet, so hopefully with the addition of the Neupogen and the allergy issue addressed, I will be back on track to finish the chemo before June.


MK said...

Hi Maura, I wish you the end of winter and the start of spring weather! Don't know if it matters to your case, but my father had an allergic reaction to chemo. It was mustard based. He was allergic to mustard, but didn't realize it as he'd always avoided it. As if enduring chemo isn't enough ... wishing you well and relief from these challenges.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping your blog so up-to-date!! Enjoy the 10 days "off". Susan R.

Dinah said...

I hope you are resting and staying cozy at home today! Feel better Maura!!

Cassy said...

Dearest Maura,
I have been concerned about not hearing from you via email.
Thank goodness you have such great care. You will master it all. Robert and I think of you and your family so often. We loved the Christmas card (so long ago) that you sent. As mentioned in an email I'm still feeling guilty about not getting any sent. What happens to time?
Your ski trip north sounds like fun. Do E & N snowboard?
We went to Abaco @ xmas and CA for winter break. Everyone asks about you and your family.
Hi to Bill. I work on 03/18 ~ if you're in Boston at DF on the weekend please let me know.
Cassy Robert sends his best.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Will S. said...


Sorry to hear that you have had another allergic reaction. I hope the desensitization goes well. I hope you have a good book to read in the basement.
We went to the start of the Iditarod with my cousin Levy Byrd and sent a souvenir to Nathaniel and Bill as they followed the race last year. Lev rode in one of the sleds at the ceremonial start downtown and we went out to Willow for the restart on a beautiful day. It was a blast.
It is beautiful here today as well with the mountains clear and snowy across the inlet. We are well and hope you are as well.
Best to all.

Katie said...

"Yuk and Double-Yuk;" I couldn't agree with you more on this frustrating off-schedule protocal! Still, you are one plucky lady---which stands in your favor, Maura. You look absolutely beautiful (Bob agrees.) I can't believe it was only 4 days ago! Tempus fugit. That basement deal sounds pretty dreary; I hope you get out of there as quickly as you can. My thoughts and fond love I'm sending your way. xoxoxox kate