This Tuesday, I continue with my treatment at Dana Farber, with a slightly changed protocol. I will be going in on the next two Tuesdays and Fridays for infusions. I will be administering Nepogen, to boost my white blood cell count.
Friends in Concord have been kindly driving me into Dana Farber for my treatments, which has been a huge help. This allows Bill and the kids to keep a somewhat normal schedule.
Thank you all! I am feeling well right now, just dreading the week ahead!
Here it is the "next week" you dreaded in your last post; re the new protocal. I realize this is only Monday, and you mentioned Tuesday as a treatment date. Please let us know how it (tomorrow) went. (Does that make one iota of sense? I think not. Oh well it's One Day at a Time for me, and today my head is screwed on backward! Imagine that.......
Good luck with your journey to Dana Farber. So far; so good. I think that you must be the "model patient"! So full of spunk and energy..... You are an inspiration to this woman! Keep on truckin' sis-in-law! I'll await your next blog with hope.
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