Friday, November 20, 2009

Home for Two Weeks Today

I have been feeling well and out walking on most days. My mother was with me for a week, and I have had help in the afternoons. The weather has been quite nice and condusive to being outside. Other than a sore belly, I feel fine. Friends have been providing wonderful dinners and comfort for me. The pathology report showed that one of the growths was cancerous and the other was not. There was no evidence of spread to lymph glands or anywhere else. It was a big surgery, to remove a little bit of disease. I will meet with my doctor at Dana Farber on 12/1 to determine the next step. I hope to next publish good news.Meanwhile, have a happy Thanksgiving with family!

1 comment:

Will S. said...

Maura & Bill:

We leave early in the am for Boston. We look forward to seeing you. Glad you are resting well at home and hope to see you soon.

Will & Beth