Sunday, October 19, 2008

Last Treatment Scheduled for November 10th

I am feeling okay after my treatment on Friday. Mostly I am looking forward to finishing before Thanksgiving.

Thank you to all who helped me get through this one! It is great to be near the end.

Our family is going to the Galapogos Islands after Christmas, as a special vacation. We will be going from 12/28-1/9/09.

I will be on a 3 month schedule with Dana Farber for checkups thereafter. By my calculations, my first check up will be in February.

There was frost on the pumpkin this morning.


katharine perkins said...

Yea, Maura! You are one of my very best role models for tackling life's problems with grace and courage. I'm so glad that you only have one to go...then you and your family take, what sounds like, a FABULOUS trip. WOW! You must be so relieved about how well it's all gone to date. I am relieved, and ever-so-grateful on your behalf. Hats off to you!
And much love, Kate

Anonymous said...

Frost on the Pumpkin. We just plain have snow. It's beautiful however. Glad to hear that your latest treatment went well. We are jealous of your Galpagos trip, though surely not of your other trials. Glad you are weathering the storm. We look forward to seeing you in November after your last treatment.

Love to you all

Will & Beth

GayG said...

Miss Maura! Frost on the pumpkin, one treatment left and the Galapagos are just around the corner. What an interesting set of markers for the passage of time. You've done incredibly well -- an inspiration to us all -- and your trip will be the perfect reward for your long trials. I'm sure all four of you deserve kudos. I miss you terribly and wish you were laying over in LA. Hope we can catch up very soon.
Many hugs to you, Bill, Emily and Nathaniel!

Anonymous said...

Maura, you were in our thoughts last Friday. You are strong and powerful ~ great attributes. We're so happy for you that there is one more treatment left. However, if there were more, you'd managed fine.

Frost in Concord. We're still taking outdoor showers and our goal is not to turn on the heat until Thanksgiving. It is getting quite chilly, may need to rethink our goal.

Galapagos or Bust! Truly a fabulous trip to be had. You and your family will have a ball.

Cassy and Robert and Karyn, Luke, Erika and Benny