Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is in the air!

It is lovely here today. I have one more treatment on Monday for this cycle and then 10 days off. I am looking forward to the good weather ahead!

Last Monday, I had an allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs-carboplatin. Being experienced in such matters, it was not horrible, but the nurse had to stop the infusion and reverse it with benadryl and other drugs. So I really only got 1/4 of the infusion of that drug. But I did get the others. On 3/16 I will be allergy tested for the carboplatin and they will decide how to proceed. Tentatively, I am scheduled to get the next infusion on 3/18 in the desens lab, which is in the basement of the Dana Farber, over 12 hours....yuck and double yuck. I have been there before, and the days are long and light-less. I thought I had graduated to the 10th floor, where the other infusions will take place.

The good news is that with the addition of Neupogen (which boosts my white blood cells), I am feeling better and have been able to receive my 2 treatments (since last weekend).

But I have not had a normal cycle yet, so hopefully with the addition of the Neupogen and the allergy issue addressed, I will be back on track to finish the chemo before June.