Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer is Here

Cancer News:I finished my chemo in June, thankfully, but have opted to continue on the clinical trial. The study drug is one of a new class of targeted therapies, called PARP inhibitors. The objective is to kill the cancer cells (by preventing them from repairing damage caused by the chemo). Although it is by infusion every 4 days, in 21 day cycles, with a week off in between. Typically CT scans and MRIs are scheduled for the week off, so it never ends up being totally free.
I have learned good ways to get to Dana Farber from South Dartmouth.
I have just enjoyed a drug holiday by visiting very good friends on Fishers Island. It was very lovely. Our friends were gracious hosts and hostesses.

I am hoping and planning to get a team together to do a small version of the Pan Mass Challenge to raise money for Dana Farber, specifically for research on ovarian cancer treatment. It is August 8th, Wellesley to Wellesley, which is 47 miles. If you want to be on the team, you can register for "Good Eggs". The PMCID is 58737-4. If you want to make a gift, the egift account is MP0203. Thank you in advance for your support.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Six More Treatments Before Summer

Hi all!
I have some more chemo treatments to get through. I would appreciate some rides. People have been generous about their offers, but I got off schedule with low blood counts and have had to re-schedule. So if you are interested, the following dates are "open": Friday, June 14th, 7:30 am; Monday, June 17th, 8:00 am. Thereafter, the dates will be scheduled after Thursday, June 3rd. I would expect on the Monday, June 7th; Thursday, June 11th and Monday, June 14th (also Nathaniel's last day of school).

These will be followed by CT scan and possible radio ablation of the liver tumor, if any remains. I have been offered the trial drug, indefinitely. Since it is not yet approved by the FDA and is not commercially available, I may opt to stay on the PARP inhibitor for awhile (at least as long as it is effective). This would mean that I would continue with infusions, since it is not available in pill form (unfortunately). So I would still be going into Dana Farber on Days 1,4,8,12 for an infusion of BSI-201. I would then have an 8 day break and start and new cycle.

I am enjoying this Spring and a new garden which was put in last Fall with the help of friends. It is a wonderful retreat for me when the weather is nice. Also I am looking forward to migrating to our summer home in June.

With best wishes,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Halfway through Treatments

Happy to report that the lesion on my liver has been halved since February by the treatment. There are no new lesions and my CA125 is at 10. So, indications are that the treatment is working!! This is good news, which will hopefully get me through the next few treatments.

We enjoyed St. John and in spite of feeling rested, my white blood cells had not recovered sufficiently for Tuesday's treatment. So that has been rescheduled for this Friday. It has been a little respite to recover this week since I seem to have lots to do.

Hoping to train for and ride my bike in the PMC in August (probably the 47 mile version) and going to Switzerland with the family at the end of the summer.

I feel as if summer has come and gone a few times already...gardens are happy and we have had plenty of rain!!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is in the air!

It is lovely here today. I have one more treatment on Monday for this cycle and then 10 days off. I am looking forward to the good weather ahead!

Last Monday, I had an allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs-carboplatin. Being experienced in such matters, it was not horrible, but the nurse had to stop the infusion and reverse it with benadryl and other drugs. So I really only got 1/4 of the infusion of that drug. But I did get the others. On 3/16 I will be allergy tested for the carboplatin and they will decide how to proceed. Tentatively, I am scheduled to get the next infusion on 3/18 in the desens lab, which is in the basement of the Dana Farber, over 12 hours....yuck and double yuck. I have been there before, and the days are long and light-less. I thought I had graduated to the 10th floor, where the other infusions will take place.

The good news is that with the addition of Neupogen (which boosts my white blood cells), I am feeling better and have been able to receive my 2 treatments (since last weekend).

But I have not had a normal cycle yet, so hopefully with the addition of the Neupogen and the allergy issue addressed, I will be back on track to finish the chemo before June.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back from Vacation

We are back from skiing and spending the week near Sunapee. We were joined by other family members; namely my sister Pat and her family at my parent's house in New London. A good time was had by all.

This Tuesday, I continue with my treatment at Dana Farber, with a slightly changed protocol. I will be going in on the next two Tuesdays and Fridays for infusions. I will be administering Nepogen, to boost my white blood cell count.

Friends in Concord have been kindly driving me into Dana Farber for my treatments, which has been a huge help. This allows Bill and the kids to keep a somewhat normal schedule.

Thank you all! I am feeling well right now, just dreading the week ahead!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Chemotherapy Again

I've had a cancer recurrence which will require treatment. Initial indications were good after surgery with my tumor marking falling. However in January, it started to climb upward indicating that there were some new concerns. A CT scan this week confirmed that there is small growth on my liver and some increased activitiy in nodules around my lungs. This is inoperable, but could be penetrated by chemotherapy.
I have decided to participate in a study with contains conventional chemotherapy agents and a new agent in a class of drugs called PARP inhibitors. It is offered as a phase 2 trial at Dana Farber. It is 18 weeks of treatment---6 cycles, in 3 week intervals. In week one, there are 2 infusions (of 3 agents) which is repeated in week 2. Then the third week is time off, until it starts again. I have been told that the main side effects are low blood counts and fatigue.

The PARP inhibitors are very hopeful for the kind of cancer that I have. So I am hopeful!